Spring has sprung here in the Bioshelter. There is so much water melting that we are running water down the mountain side--our cistern over-floweth.
One of the really hard things to deal with is waste. What do we do when you see other people polluting or purchasing things that will end up in the land fill? It's hard. I sounded pretty disgusted when I asked why my place of employment was buying apples in a plastic containers. The staff said, "What's wrong with that? It makes it so they don't get bruised." I grimaced again and she said, "Why, do you want them or something?" Without really thinking, but trying to make a point, I said, "Sure. I'll take them."
I've collected them all winter. I have about 50 of them. All waiting for spring. Here they are!
I only have about 40 more to go. What will I do with all of these trays???
I have rescued them from the landfill, but maybe only temporarily. I'll let you know how they work.
I planted Stinging Nettle in the salad box there, but in the apple cartons I planted two kinds of Basil, two kinds of Oregano, Echinacea, Chervil, Calendula and some other things I can't remember.
I thought I'd show you the other things that have been growing:
That is a bunch of LEEKS. I'm using the plastic chicken cover (from a Safeway roasted chicken) to feed it water.
Here are all the tomatoes. I MAY up-pot these directly into the green house. Not sure if that is the best idea for tomatoes since it's still kinda cold in there. Hmmmm.
Yeah, New Zealand Spinach. It grew all winter, slowly but surely. The aphids attacked it---it keeps growing. We wash the aphids off and eat! :-)
Bunching onions. Yes! I want A LOT. Apparently they are good to keep pests away. The a-word even (those which shall not be named)
Lettuce. I haven't decided if I'm going to let some of these grow up, or just eat the greens. Maybe both.
Last but not least-----the califlower. The cat has killed three little critters this week. I hope those voles and shrews are getting the message that they can't come here and eat my califlower again this summer.
I hope to continue writing here this season. The season is off to a GREAT start! :-)